

Lip Fillers


Prices starting at $200 for returning clients, this procedure that aims to increase lip fullness through enlargement using fillers such as hyaluronic acid, fat or implants.


It is recommend to have multiple sessions throughout the course of 3 months to see desirable results.


Since (HA) is a natural element that gets broken down by your body, it is reccommended to continue sessions regularly to maintain your results.




Starting at $200, a nonsurgical rhinoplasty uses dermal filler ingredients, in the areas where you wish to create smoother lines or volume, to change the shape of your nose.




Starting at $100, this component of your skin’s own moisturising system is readily accepted into the epidermis and mixes with your own extra-cellular fluids to re-create the cushioning between the cells that gives you a plumper, revitalised, smoother surface to the skin.


It is recommend to have multiple sessions throughout the course of 6 months - 1 year to see desirable results.


Fat Cell Dissolving Injections


Starting at $400, Injection Lipolysis consists of a medication naturally found in the bile that kills fat cells, mixed with an anesthetic. This element can be injected to almost ANY part of the body.


It is recommend to have multiple sessions throughout the course of 6 months combined with maderoterapia to see desirable results.


It is your responsibility to value your investment by staying active after the procedures have been completed, or you can always count on us to be here if you want to come back!


Stem Cell Injections


Starting at $500, stem cells contain growth factors that improve skin quality by repairing photo damaged skin and increasing elasticity. A “stem cell facelift” involves the harvest, preparation, and injection of these cells into the patient's face by using their own body tissue to replenish and rejuvenate other body tissue.




Starting at $50, translated, woodtherapy is a service we like to combine with our fat cell dissolving injections for the absolute BEST slimming results.


Many clients love to combine this simply with their own workout regimine for tightening results, or alone as a easier resolution to celulite reduction.


For dramatic results, it is suggested to combine this service with our fat dissolving injections, followed by three treatments weekly for a month.



Tooth Art


Starting at $65, tooth gems are the perfect addition to your pearly whites. With this service, a crystal gets cemented on your tooth by our trained professionals using ADA approved dental products. 


These gems, pendants, or crystals can be placed for special occasions and removed later. Longer lasting options available starting at $80.

Unlike body tattoos and piercings, there is no invasive procedure involved in dental jewelry placement and is therefore much safer. 


Photography Services


Packages starting as low as $150.


Phenomenal versatility, anything you need, we can provide.


Edits included in pricing, options for prints & additional edits available.


Small Business Packages also available for client budget needs.




Videography Services


Packages ranging from $200 - $600


We cater to club events, music videos, birthday parties, funerals, baby showers, concerts, etc.






Special FX Makeup

Prices starting at $50.


Full Body FX available starting at $100


Photoshoot bundles available starting at $110 (exclusions apply*).




Artistry Services


Portraits staring at $30.


Hard copies starting at $50.


Business Card options.


Plenty of art styles available, FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE.




Web Design


Prices starting at $100.


Full website building available starting at $100


Will work with most hosting services & web builder sites.


In-house hosting options available for as low as $100 a year!








Prices starting at $160.


Full rebranding available starting at $500.


Will require full access to social media accounts & web builder sites.


Monthly & annual billing options!






X Services


Packages ranging from $200 - $800


We cater to club events, music videos, birthday parties, funerals, baby showers, concerts, etc.




Prices starting at $50.


Full Body FX available starting at $100


Photoshoot bundles available starting at $110 (exclusions apply*).