Please do not call us at the time of your appointment, the M.E. will be making the call out to you.
We will be sending a text at least 30 minutes before your appointment to confirm that we will be calling/texting you on time.
You are more than welcome to text us to let us know that you are ready to talk if you are ready, up to 10 minutes before your appointment.
Call/Text answers later than 10 minutes will result to a $35 charge and you may be subjected to reschedule your consultation.
There will be a $50 fee if you don’t fill out your forms or provide the needed images at least 2 hours before your appointment, if you don’t answer, or if you respond later than 15 mins. without notifying me of any changes to your appointment. Rescheduling must be done at least business 48 hours before your appointment otherwise it’ll result in a $50 last minute change fee.
Please do not arrive any earlier than 5 mins. There has been restricted access to the building due to covid so please wait in your car until I’ve contacted you to come to the entrance.
Arrivals later than 10 minutes will result to a $35 charge and you may be subjected to reschedule your service.
There will be a $50 charge if you don’t show up at least 15 mins. into your time or come late without notifying me at least 12 hours before your appointment. Rescheduling must be done at least business 32 hours before your appointment (1 week for photo sessions) otherwise it’ll result in a $50 last minute change fee.