Drawings, Sketches, Paintings, Business Logos, PDF Files, Hard Copies, Photoshop, Body Art, etc.
Prices vary per commission piece.
Photoshop: Price depends on complexity of the task, generally can start as low as $5 for simple edits, or removal of objects, etc.
Portait drawings:
Face only starts at $30, Full body starts at $50.
Everything you add on that’s not in the original photo is $5, if it’s super complex, $10-30.
Color starts as an additional $20, layers are $5-10 each.
For Hard Copies: Size increase = Increase in price.
SAMPLE PRICING (First Image Below; PDF file):
$50 base price
$25 boondocks style
$20 color
$5 shadow layer
$5 for the hat
$5 the phone
$5 the money
$5 the necklace
$5 the specific shoe colors and style
$5 the ring & earring
$20 tattoos
$5 the watch
$5 the belt
If complexity exceeds $250 total, charge structure changes to start at $65 per hour of comission time.
Business Cards available:
100 cards starting at $30
250 cards starting at $40
Special Memoir Pricing Coming Soon!
Customized Bundles Available Per Request.
Contact Us for the BEST pricing for your needs.